Individual or partnered Natural Sex Therapy
Therapy may be on your own, or with your partner/s
Within a Natural Sex Therapy session, you can expect to have in depth conversations about your sexual concerns, sexual experiences, practices, partners and beliefs about sex and relationships. Your Natural Sex Therapist will also assess any health issues you may have, your medical and health history, medications, lifestyle and dietary practices.
This is all done confidentially in a safe, inclusive, non-judgemental way. I appreciate and celebrate the diversity of human sexual experiences, and do not promote any one way of enjoying and expressing sexuality and relationships. Our conversations are intimate, and will explore areas of yourself that you may not have shared with others before. Whilst this can be challenging, you are invited to share fully, however you will never be expected to disclose information that you do not wish to.

Daniel Robson-The Natural Sex Therapist
MScMed (SRH) Psychosexual Therapy, BNat
Daniel is passionate about supporting peoples sexual potential through facilitating optimal health and vitality. He has a deep respect for the healing power of nature and your personal health journey.
Daniel has lectured to professional audiences in male reproductive health topics, and has co-authored the Male Reproductive System chapter in the second edition of Clinical Naturopathic Medicine, a foundation clinical text used in Naturopathic teaching programs globally.
Professional presentations and publications
- The Role of Complementary Medicine in Supporting Sexual Function, Society of Australian Sexologists, Online, April 2021
- Robson, D and Hechtman, L (2019). The Male Reproductive System In Hechtman, L (Ed.), Clinical Naturopathic Medicine 2nd Edition (pp.928-1019), Elsevier, Australia.
- Induratio Penis Plastica: A Case for Naturopathic Treatment of Peyronie Disease. Australian Naturopathic Summit, Lennox Head, August 2018.
- Men, Mums and Minors: The Best Herbs You Never Knew. Australian Naturopathic Summit, Lennox Head, August 2018.
- Beyond the Prostate: Recent Insights Into the Causes and Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men. 10th International Conference on Herbal Medicine, Brisbane, March 2017.
- Prostatitis: Dousing the Flames of Pelvic Pain. 9th International Conference on Herbal Medicine, Sydney, March 2015.
- Shooting Blanks: The Role of Natural Medicines in Male Fertility. 8th International Conference on Herbal Medicine, Melbourne, April 2013.